
A Day in the Life: Adventures of an HVAC Technician in Southern Utah

Rise and Shine

My alarm blares at 5:30 AM, and I’m up and at ’em, ready for another day as an HVAC technician at S & S Mechanical Plumbing, Heating & Cooling. After a quick breakfast and coffee, I’m out the door by 6:15, ready to tackle whatever challenges the day might bring in St. George and Cedar City.

First Call: AC Troubles in St. George

My first stop is a residential call in St. George. The homeowner reported their air conditioner isn’t cooling properly. After a thorough inspection, I discover a refrigerant leak. I explain the situation to the client, provide an estimate, and get to work repairing the leak and recharging the system.

Lunch Break and Team Check-in

Around noon, I grab a quick lunch and touch base with the office. They inform me of an urgent call in Cedar City – a commercial client’s HVAC system has completely shut down. I finish up in St. George and hit the road.

Afternoon Emergency: Cedar City Commercial Call

Arriving in Cedar City, I find a bustling office building with a malfunctioning HVAC system. The summer heat is brutal, and employees are struggling to work in the warm conditions. I quickly diagnose the issue – a faulty compressor – and get to work replacing it.

Wrapping Up the Day

With the commercial system back up and running, I head back to the office in St. George. I spend the last hour of my day:

  • Completing paperwork for the day’s jobs
  • Restocking my truck with necessary parts and tools
  • Briefing the night shift on any pending issues

As I clock out at 5:30 PM, I reflect on another satisfying day of helping people stay comfortable in the Utah heat. Tomorrow brings new challenges, but that’s what I love about working for S & S Mechanical Plumbing, Heating & Cooling – every day is an adventure in keeping Southern Utah cool!